Always Well Within

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Self-Mastery: The Key to Peace, Happiness, & Freedom

Joyful Wisdom Letter - Lotus Many of my readers tell me they feel stressed by their own mental patterns like perfectionism, worry, and self-doubt and emotional states like anger, fear, and guilt.   As a result, they often feel stirred up or they shut down as a survival mechanism.

When thoughts and emotions have you by the throat, you're not just stressed. Happiness also seems as elusive as a beautiful butterfly winging its way through the sky.

But it doesn’t have to be like this.  What’s the solution?  Self-mastery.

What Is Self-Mastery?

The word “self-mastery” may evoke an image of someone who seems removed, rigid, and restrained.  But that's repression, not self-mastery.

Think of spiritual luminaries like the Dalai Lama or Mother Teresa who exude a warmth of heart, clarity of mind, and devotion to the good of all.  There isn’t an ounce of self-repression in their being, is there?

Yet, they've put in their time learning to dispel wayward thoughts and counteract stormy emotions.  The result: an abundance of joy.

So let's be clear on the meaning of self-mastery because it truly is the way to complete freedom.

  • Self-mastery doesn’t mean controlling, denying, or suppressing thoughts or emotions. Instead, you learn to be spacious and work skillfully with whatever arises in your mind, in your heart, and in your environment.
  • Self-mastery means taking an active role in your own growth, reclaiming your life from unwanted demands and limiting inner beliefs, and being in charge of your world:  your choices, your responses, your vision, and your direction.
  • Self-mastery lightens your heaviness, softens your tightness, and releases your joy.

Self-mastery isn't reserved for spiritual superstars only.  You have the same capacity to look into your mind and heart, shed negative believes and harmful emotions, and blossom into your fullest self.

The Practice of Self-Mastery

Self-mastery is an intentional practice, which  involves:

  • Curiosity about your own triggers, patterns, and habits and a willingness to question and explore them.
  • Taking full responsibility for your responses to yourself, others, and the circumstances that occur in your life.
  • Learning how to quiet your mind so you can see more clearing.
  • Awareness of whatever appears in your mind, heart, and body.
  • Developing the capacity to release thoughts and emotions.

Once you start on the practice of self-mastery, you’ll have bursts of insights, moments of triumph, and tastes of emotional freedom all along the way.  Success builds upon success.  Challenging states of mind slowly lose their hold on you, making space for more joy, confidence, and freedom.

Introducing the Joyful Wisdom Letter & Circle

Joyful Wisdom Letter & CircleI've created the Joyful Wisdom Letter, Monthly Guidance on the Art of Self-Mastery in response to the struggles you've shared with me because I know guidance and support can make all the difference when you're seeking positive change.

The Joyful Wisdom Letter offers a unique transformational process, which encourages you to look within, but moves at a relaxed pace.

What are some of the benefits you'll receive when you participate in the program?  The Joyful Wisdom Letters are carefully designed to help you:

  • Consciously direct your life.
  • Harmonize your emotions so you feel more spacious, confident, and free.
  • Free yourself from negative thought patterns that keep you small and scared.
  • Heal your relationship with yourself and enhance your feeling of connection to others.
  • Deeply nourish and respect yourself.
  • Learn to overcome obstacles with grace.
  • Calm your mind and center yourself in relaxed awareness.
  • Expand your capacity for love, gratitude, and compassion.
  • Feed your spirit and live with more joy, clarity, and peace.

This isn’t just a letter though. It’s a process, a partnership, and a community.

When you sign up, you'll receive a monthly missive that revolves around a life-enhancing theme like confidence, patience, generosity, endurance, self-responsibility, connection, etc. as well as journaling prompts, affirmations, tips on calming the mind, and action steps to help you move forward.

You'll also have access to The Joyful Wisdom Circle (Facebook group), where you can join the weekly discussion to find more joy, clarity, and confidence and ask any questions you may have of me.  I'll answer your questions personally to help you experience more freedom in life.

The first letter has been sent and we've formed a safe, supportive, and heart-centered space in the Joyful Wisdom Circle.  Will you join us?

I'm offering the letter and circle at a low introductory price at first, especially for my my dedicated readers.  It's actually a steal because, as you probably know, I put my heart and soul into whatever I do fully.

Click here for more details & to join at the introductory price.

I’ll be working right alongside you, exploring the same theme each month and looking more deeply within myself too.

If you’re longing for the sweetness, joy, and love that pervades a happy mindset, join us and begin to thrive with the Joyful Wisdom Letter & Circle, Monthly Guidance on the Art of Self-Mastery.

What do you think about the idea of self-mastery?  How do you incorporate self-mastery into your life?