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Welcome to my island of sanity and serenity. I'm Sandra Pawula - writer, mindfulness teacher and advocate of ease. I help deep thinking, heart-centered people find greater ease — emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Curious? Read On!

Is the Coronavirus An Urgent Message for the World?

Is the Coronavirus An Urgent Message for the World?

According to psychologist and shamanic practitioner, Jose Stevens, a crisis like the new Coronavirus pandemic occurs when humanity has a major lesson to be learned or people need a “restructuring of their reality.”  Instead of seeing the novel Coronavirus as an enemy, he suggests seeing it as an ally working in cooperation with us.

That might sound radical, but shifting your perspective to the bigger picture can soften feelings of fear and panic. Maybe this catastrophe isn’t random; maybe there’s a purpose behind it.

Holding a larger view like this can also bring a deeper acceptance of what is, so you’re not losing precious energy fighting against reality.  A shift in perspective can help you release fear and other painful emotions, which suck up your life force too. This frees up energy for healing, helping, and creative solutions.

Critical Lessons from the New Coronavirus

Consider some of the lessons Stevens associates with the Novel Coronavirus:

Does the new Coronavirus have an urgent message for the world?  Does it have a personal message for you?  Instead of seeing the coronavirus as an enemy, would it help to see it as an ally trying to wake us up?  See how a shift in perspective can hel…

“This one is meant to cut through the vast polarization that has gripped the world in recent years. It enforces cooperation, working together for the benefit of everyone. It touches all lives, economically, socially, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Not only does it do all that but it emphasizes mindfulness, paying attention, being in the moment, and not spaced out. In an interesting way it emphasizes certain more socially conscious solutions to keep the average person from falling into catastrophic job loss and financial ruin. Suddenly there have to be programs considered that bail people out of the inability to pay student loans, mortgages, medical expenses, and cope with potential job loss, childcare while needing to work and a host of other very real challenges. Hard core capitalists are forced to consider programs that they formally would have considered to be unthinkable socialist solutions to societal challenges. That’s interesting.”

Stevens believes the virus is saying:

“Hey your way of life is unsustainable. You have your priorities scrambled. Mother Nature at any time can step in and disrupt the best laid human plans and show them to be feeble, ignorant attempts to control your world.”

I invite you to reflect on each of the lessons Steven’s has identified, and to also listen for your own.  Find a quiet place (at home, of course) and devote some time to contemplation. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Where does polarization show up in my own life?

  • What can I do to cut through polarization?

  • Are my priorities scrambled?

  • Have I lost sight of what’s important?

  • How can I work together with others in this crisis and in the future for the benefit of everyone?

  • How can I be more mindful?

  • What steps can I take to live a more eco-friendly, sustainable existence?

Listen for your own questions and add them to the list.

In this first article on the topic, Stevens goes on to share more insights on the Coronavirus crisis, and natural remedies that might help if you become infected.

The New Corona Virus As An Ally

In his next article on the New Coronavirus, Steven explains the shamanic concept of an ally.  He asks us to contemplate the possibility that the virus is a powerful ally at a critical time in our evolution:

“In light of all this help we have been given, is it too much to contemplate the coronavirus as a powerful ally for humans at this critical time in our evolution? Consider that it has come along as a kind of disrupter, stopping us in our tracks to reconsider our habits, our patterns, our beliefs, our focus as humans. Perhaps everything needs a fresh look, time out so to speak. Yes, it does come with its’ inconveniences and its’ way of upsetting our need for security. Yes, some will die but then 50,000 people a year die from taking aspirin and no one blinks an eye. This is not a huge population reducer, it is just another thing that provides people an exit from the planet and there are many, many other ways as well. So, killing people is not what it is really about. It is about getting us to reevaluate our lives, reconsidering our goals, our government, our way of doing business, our economies, our health care system, our educational system, our military, our relationship with the planet, climate change, our use of resources and what we do with them and on and on.  Wow, what a powerful ally it is; Just in time.”

Stevens then shares the standard Shamanic protocol for interacting with an ally, and receiving its message or wisdom - something you can do yourself. Because, in addition to the universal messages, maybe there’s a personal message for you.

Again, take some time to contemplate the issues Stevens brings to light in this piece.  How can you become more and more part of the solution instead of part of the global problems humanity faces? 

Get quiet and listen for the messages you need to hear from this situation.  What is it that you need to change about your life, if anything?

It might seem insensitive or irreverent to consider the coronavirus as an ally given all the pain, suffering, destruction, and death that has occurred as a result of COVID-19.  I understand if you feel angry or afraid instead, and don’ like the idea of seeing the New Coronavirus as an ally.  My heart goes out to everyone who has suffered and who will suffer due to this virus.

But please put this idea in the back of your mind.  Our worldwide reality right now is COVID-19; there’s no escaping it.  If humanity can learn from the crisis and better itself, at least the pain and suffering that has occurred won’t be for naught.

Seeing the novel coronavirus as an ally doesn’t mean denial of the pandemic and its dangers. Acceptance doesn’t mean you become blasé. You still stay home to keep yourself and others safe. You practice social distancing. You use hand sanitizer and wet wipes, but you don’t hoard them. You self-isolate if you become ill. You act in a responsible way because every human life is precious.

Viruses and the Environment

If the idea of shamanic allies is too esoteric for you, consider this perspective from the world of science.

In their article Bats Are Not To Blame for the Coronavirus.  Humans Are, Walsh and Cotovio interview two zoologists and disease experts (Cunningham and Jones) who explain how deforestation can effect bats, whom some believe are the source host of the new Coronavirus:

“When a bat is stressed -- by being hunted, or having its habitat damaged by deforestation - its immune system is challenged and finds it harder to cope with pathogens it otherwise took in its stride.”

This stress can cause infections to increase and be shed.  In the same way, animals caged in an open market are under stress, and may shed viruses in large numbers as well. 

While spillover of pathogens from animals to humans likely happened in the past, it didn’t have the same impact as it does in modern times with dramatically increased population numbers and unlimited worldwide travel.

“Ultimately diseases like coronavirus could be here to stay, as humanity grows and spreads into places where it's previously had no business. Cunningham and Jones agree this will make changing human behavior an easier fix than developing a vastly expensive vaccine for each new virus.”

“Destroying habitats is the cause, so restoring habitats is a solution. The coronavirus is perhaps humanity's first clear, indisputable sign that environmental damage can kill humans fast too. And it can also happen again, for the same reasons.”

They conclude by saying:

“The ultimate lesson is that damage to the planet can also damage people more quickly and severely than the generational, gradual shifts of climate change.”

Thus it becomes even more imperative to take every step you can to protect the environment and the animals that live within it. Those steps will protect the humans too.

Looking at the New Coronavirus as an ally or messenger, doesn’t mean it’s all good and it’s okay that people are sick and dying. Quite the contrary, it’s calling us to take compassionate action so fewer people are impacted now and in the future.

Check out my related articles:

Your Turn

How are you doing in this crisis? What are your thoughts about seeing the New Coronavirus as an ally or messenger? I would love to hear in the comments.

Thank you for your presence, I know your time is precious!  Don’t forget to  sign up for Wild Arisings, my twice monthly letters from the heart filled with insights, inspiration, and ideas to help you connect with and live from your truest self. 

You might also like to check out my  Living with Ease course or visit my Self-Care Shop. May you be happy, well, and safe – always.  With love, Sandra

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